Sunday, October 21, 2012

Farmers market finds

Today I went to the Schenectady green market. It was a beautiful fall day, sunny and about 60 degrees so a perfect fall day to be at the market. Once November hits they move inside so I was glad to go today.
Here's what I got today!
The baked item that didn't make it home was a mini peanut butter cup from funk farms, last time I bought one it was so yummy I didn't even take a photo before I ate it. I slowed down a bit this time, the peanut butter top was so smooth and creamy and fluffy. Sooo good.
Next photo are pointed head cabbages, I didn't buy them since I only like cabbage on st patricks day, but it made me smile. Reminded me of the cone heads.
Then are dream puff marshmallows made in brunswick, NY. I've had these a few times from this guy, he makes all sorts of flavors. Today I got pumpkin spice, but previously i've had chocolate, Irish cream, and passion fruit. They're always light and fluffy. Marshmallows are something I've always wanted to try making, they're on my to do list. These tasted like fluffy pumpkin pie! Also in the photo are these amazing lemon thyme cookies from wellington's herbs & spices in schoharie, ny. They sell great herbs, but I'm obsessed with these cookies and they're only $3 for a bag of 4 cookies. They're perfectly crunchy and full of flavor, also I am happy just eating one or two. I don't need to stuff my face with them I can savor them.
I also bought some cranberry beans. This is something I've never seen before, but from their description they seemed tasty. The sign said they have a nutty taste and are good cooked with some olive oil and a little salt. I'll be cooking them with the roast tonight, so more details on the cranberry beans later.
Last photo is of some local venison snack sticks. Sadly I can't remember the name of the farm, they had many different venison options, it's an acquired taste, but I really like it. I used to have it when I was at college out near the Seneca reservation. They were a bit spicy, but not in a bad way and not overly salty like snack sticks tend to be. I got the ones with bits of cheese too, yum!
Hope you enjoyed my trip to the farmers market as much as I did, more to follow later about those cranberry beans since I'm making them with dinner tonight.

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